Heartline FM

What: A local radio station embedded in a traditional Balinese village contributed to the enhancement of community life.
Our Role: An international partner funded the radio station and HCR raised funds for and delivered consultancy and training in using radio programming for health and social development.
Outcomes: Local organisations and community volunteers mobilised in a multi-faceted nutrition project which resulted in significant increases in young mother's knowledge about nutrition for their children. A book library established for children. Community participation increased with volunteers trained as community radio reporters. Professional development provided for local government and non-government organisations to learn how to use community-centred radio for information and education. A low-impact cultural daytour was designed in collaboration with the community to contribute to the local economy from tour fees paid by foreign tourists. High levels of community acceptance and trust in the radio station highlighted its importance as a source of information and contribution to community life and development. A work placement was initiated to provide an opportunity for local and foreign university students to live and work in the community
Read More: Journal article, Comminit
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