Recommended Resources

We recommend the CDAC Network Covid-19 response resource page which has a very comprehensive list of links to resources related to communicating with communities in relation to Covid-19. You may also find the following resources helpful.


Official information is regularly updated as new evidence emerges (eg. advice regarding masks). Keep checking these pages and update your own content with the most recent information. Also continually check whether your own government’s advice has been updated. Where possible give people links to official sources so they can confirm information for themselves. If advice has changed, let people know why it’s changed.

WHO public information and advice page (scroll down for downloadable posters)

WHO advice regarding masks

UK National Health Service Covid-19 prevention advice

UK NHS advice translated into multiple languages (Doctors of the World)

UK government advice for people with Covid-19 symptoms

Johns Hopkins University Covid-19 page

European CDC : Considerations relating to social distancing measures




Mental Health Advice